Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Perform bedder in 2013, Sexpert’s tips for sizzling year

JANUARY can be the hottest month of the year – if you make a resolution to rejuvenate your sex life.

Here, relationship expert PAULA HALL advises how to tackle the most common bedroom woes, predicts what will set your pulse raising in 2013 and sets a few questions to give your love life an MOT.
We also meet three Sun readers who reveal how their sex life is right now – and how they want to change things for the new year.

The forecast

THANKS to last year’s hit novel Fifty Shades Of Grey, women want more from their sex lives — and this year they will keep going after it.
Purchases of sex toys and “mummy porn” — with new titles out all the time — are likely to continue to rise.
New technology has also opened up whole new avenues, with various smartphone apps helping you meet new partners.
Thanks to IT, we now enjoy more sexual freedom than at any other time in history.
If you’re in a couple, you might enjoy the new Snapchat app, which allows you to send a cheeky text or photo to your loved one that will self-destruct after a designated amount of time.
This could be the perfect way of previewing your plans for the evening ahead.
For most people, greater access to porn and sexual partners is not a problem — but for those with sex addiction it can be life wrecking.
Unfortunately that problem is also likely to increase this year — but there will also be more openness in discussing and dealing with the issue.

Your resolutions

TRY this quiz alone or with your partner to get you thinking about where you need to focus your new year’s sexual energy.
For each question, choose the best answer from this simple checklist:
a) Great, I’m very happy with this area of my sex life.
b) OK, but it could do with a bit more work.
c) Not happy at all, definitely needs more work.
These answers will identify areas you need to work on.
1. How do you feel about how often you discuss sex with your partner?
2. How close do you feel to your partner?
3. Rate how good you are at building the right mood and environment for sex.
4. How is the romance level in your life?
5. How do you feel about the level of playfulness and of trying new things?
6. What about the level of eroticism and raunchiness?
7. How good are you at getting going in the first place by initiating sex?
8. Rate how confident you feel about the practicalities of sex — the tricks, techniques and positions.

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